バラク・オバマ大統領 アメリカ合衆国 |
No one can forget the tragic images of disaster in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami, or the heartbreak of friends who lost homes, belongings, and, most importantly, loved ones. Even as it works to rebuild its devastated northeastern region, Japan has never wavered from its steadfast commitment to help other countries around the world. So on this day when our thoughts and prayers are with the Japanese people in remembrance of the hardship faced one year ago, let us also celebrate the recovery underway in Japan and pay tribute to Japan’s unflagging dedication to bettering the lives of others throughout the world. The friendship and alliance between our two nations is unshakeable and, going forward, the people of Japan will continue to have an enduring partner in the United States. |
a statement ホワイトハウス
ジョー・バイデン副大統領 アメリカ合衆国 |
On Sunday we will mark the first anniversary of the terrible disaster that shook an island, surged an ocean and cracked a reactor in the Tohoku region of Japan. As we remember the nearly 16,000 lives that were lost and the 3,000 still missing, we also honor the Japanese people, who over the past year have reminded the world that the human spirit is as formidable as the forces of nature, particularly when we join together in trying times. I had the privilege of visiting Japan five months after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. The survivors I met in Natori and Sendai made clear to me that the disaster met its match in the resilience and fortitude of the Japanese people. While struck by the scale of the devastation, I also witnessed remarkable and inspiring progress in rebuilding homes, schools, and workplaces. The American people were proud and honored to assist Japan, just as Japan has done for countless others around the world, in their times of need. Within hours of the disaster, we launched an unprecedented civilian and military relief effort – Operation Tomodachi. In Sendai, I visited an airport that had been flooded and later became a home to more than 1,000 weary survivors with nowhere else to go. A week after the tsunami, Japanese and American forces reopened a runway, allowing the arrival of hundreds of relief workers and more than two million tons of humanitarian supplies. We are proud to have continued our support over the past year. As Japan rebuilds, America will stand with them as long as it takes. We join the Japanese people today in honoring the memories of those lost as they continue to work for a better future. |
a statement ホワイトハウス
ヒラリー・クリントン国務長官 アメリカ合衆国 |
… 日米の絆は強く、揺るぎないものであり、米国は地域そして世界の重要なリーダーとしての日本に期待しています。国内で復興に取り組みながらも、日本が国際社会への貢献を続けているのを目にし、本当に勇気づけられています。ビルマや中東での民主主義の推進、アフガニスタンとイラクでの支援、「アフリカの角」地域での暴力行為や周辺海域での海賊行為の防止に向けた努力など、日本は現代の最も切迫した課題への取り組みを続けています。 今後、日本と米国がこうした新たな課題への取り組みや新たな機会の追求と活用で協力する中で、両国および両国民の絆が一層深まると私は期待し、信じています。本日、1年前に犠牲となった全ての人を悼むにあたり、私は米国政府と米国民を代表し、両国の深く永続的な友好関係をあらためて確認します。 … |
大使館からのニュース 米国大使館